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Data structure and algorithms
Data structures and algorithms


Algorithms Definition The set of rules to be followed in calculations is an algorithm, Problem-solving operation is an algorithm, These set of rules or instructions solve a class of problems Terms related to algorithms Every algorithm must satisfy the following properties, These properties can measure the effectiveness of the software,…

Data structures and algorithms


Set What is set? Set is a collection of unique values A value in the Set may only occur once Write a code const setInstance = new Set() setInstance.add(2); setInstance.add(3); setInstance.add(2); setInstance.add(3); setInstance.has(1); setInstance.has(3); console.log(setInstance); // Set(2) { 2, 3 } Set operations Union: A set algorithm that compares 2…

Data structure - tree
Data structures and algorithms


[su_youtube url="https://youtu.be/2IhBtV2kYf8" title="Tree Data structure"] [su_youtube url="https://youtu.be/1vv2hHSxQMg" title="Properties of Tree Data structure"] [su_youtube url="https://youtu.be/k7fNwaBSTM0" title="Types of Tree Data structure"]   Tree What is a tree? A tree is a data structure that represents hierarchical data The nodes in the tree have a 1:N parent-child relationship Every tree has a root…