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Javascript tutorial for beginners

The javascript tutorial for beginners will walk you from the basics to the expert level. All chapters have been explained in detail with examples. The code snippets are in a simple way to make you understand the topic thoroughly.

This is a complete guide to learn javascript and the journey of learning is a very simple yet detailed explanation with a lot of examples and tasks, including closures, documents, and events, object-oriented programming.

JavaScript is the most widely used scripting language on Earth. And it has the largest library ecosystem of any programming language.

Javascript complete tutorial for beginners, learn javascript

In this tutorial, you will learn javascript by the below chapters

#What is JavaScript
#Javascript data types
#Operators in the Javascript
#Variable mutation and type coercion
#Control structures in Javascript
#What is a function in javascript
#Different ways to create a function
#Strings in Javascript
#Arrays in Javascript
#What is an object in Javascript
#Execution context
#Hoisting in Javascript
#Scope Chain in Javascript
#What are closures used for
#What are promises in JavaScript
#Javascript promise chaining
#Inheritance in javascript
#What is apply in Javascript
#What is bind in javascript
#What is call in Javascript
#this Keyword in Javascript
#Javascript prototypal inheritance
#Arrow function in Javascript
#Error handling in Javascript
#Algorithms in javascript
#Nullish coalescing operator
#How to avoid common errors
#How to debug errors in the javascript
#Concurrency model & event loop
#new operator and function constructor
#IIFE Immediately Invoked Function Expression
#Recursive Functions
#Pure Functions
#High Order Functions
#First-class Functions

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