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What is React JS and why to use react

What is React JS

In this chapter, you will learn about what is React JS and why to use react. React JS is not a programming language it is a library and developed in the Javascript. You can learn React JS very quickly if you are good at Javascript. If you wish to brush up your skills in Javascript, please walk through the course Javascript tutorial for beginners. Now let us look into what is React JS.

  1. React JS is a “Javascript library for building user interfaces”.
  2. Helps in building Javascript event-driven web applications
  3. React JS uses components for building the user interfaces
  4. A component is part of a web page like header, footer, setting menu etc
  5. Components help to keep your code manageable
  6. A component is like write code once and reuse it throughout the applications
  7. React JS applications run on the client-side browser


Why React JS?
Now we understood what is React JS. Now you may think that why React JS when there are lot Javascript frameworks are available like angular and Vue js. When you are building very large web applications it is very difficult to keep the UI state management. Here React JS takes care of UI state management. So we need not worry about how large the web application. You can visit the React official website at ReactJS


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