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5 Best and easy applicable Ingredients from our kitchen to control hair fall.

However beautiful and healthy your hair may look but hair fall becomes a concern at a point in life. Hair fall has become the most common problem in today’s generation because of pollution around. Our lifestyle and food habits also play a very important role in our beauty and hair.

Thanks to our Indian Kitchen has all good ingredients to protect us from many problems as such hair fall can be controlled with 5 most important ingredients.

  1. Onion

Onion helps to control hair fall. best ingredient to prevent hair fall
Onion helps to control hair fall.

Onion contains sulphur content which helps to prevent hair fall, onion pulp helps in blood circulation. you can apply it with easy steps. Just apply onion paste on your scalp before you wash your hair, rinse your hair cleanly and let them dry. repeat twice a weak it will give good results. you can see the difference in your hair.

2.  Aloe vera

aloevera a medical ingredient.
Aloe vera is a medical ingredient.

Aloe vera has many beneficial properties for humankind. It is medicine for many problems we face. To control your hair fall aloe vera will play a very important role. you just need to apply aloe vera gel all over your scalp and hair a few minutes before your hair wash. You can boil a piece of aloe vera in water and slit it in between and apply gel or you can buy aloe vera gel from the market, it is easily available. Not only it will control your hair fall also it will nourish your hair and give you a salon finish look which will make your hair shine.

3. Lavender Oil

Levender OIl controls hair fall
Lavender OIl controls hair fall.

Lavender Oil is an organic mantra to secure your hair from hair fall. Massage your hair and scalp with natural lavender oil, you can also live it overnight and wash you’re thorough. repeat it twice a weak. It will help not only in controlling hair fall also it will give you relaxation to your mind, but you will also get good sound sleep and next day will go as calm as it was never before. you will experience so much cool mind.

4. Neem

Neem for hair fall is best thing.
Neem for hair fall is the best thing.

Neem is the best natural ingredient with many beneficial properties for hair and skin. Boil Neem leaves in water make a paste apply in on scalp leave for few minutes and rinse it thoroughly and dry your hair. you can also use neem for your skin boil it in water and use it in water for bathing it will help in solving many skin problems. you can also apply the same neem paste on your face and body.

5. Yoghurt

Yogurt prevents hair fall and Dandruff
Yoghurt prevents hair fall and Dandruff.

Yoghurt is a very good ingredient to fight against dandruff, white flakes on the head. It has an acidic property, helps in controlling hair fall also removes dandruff as well,  prevents etching.

Apply yoghurt on the scalp and rinse thoroughly after 15 minutes.

Use Natural Homemade shampoo