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A Henna designer is an artist, applying henna as a temporary tattoo on hands, feet, fingernails, and other body parts is a beautiful art, drawing with a pen or pencil is easier but applying henna is quite a tricky task.

Henna on hands is applied with henna cones these days, therefore it’s not that difficult compared to olden days where henna was used to apply with small sticks on hands.

Today Henna designing is a good profession for ladies as it’s in high demand, one can earn good money with henna designing if you want to be a good professional henna designer there are few key points to keep in mind.

These tips will make you stand out among many designers, there’s huge competition in this beautician industry as designers are in n numbers but good designers are only a few.

Follow these steps to become a perfect henna designer.

  1. If you are starting now to learn henna don’t jump directly on applying henna with a cone.
  2. Learn the basic foundation of henna designing, learning basics make you strong in design.
  3. First, draw basic design parts with a pencil in a plain book (Best book for henna design beginner)
  4. Draw basic designs in a book and keep practising unless you get perfect in drawing them. (you can refer to this book Henna designing tutorial part-1)
  5. After you get perfect try small designs applying with a cone on plain paper.
  6. Practise basic designs like circles, lines, dots, petals using a cone on paper. ( you can refer to this book for designs like flower petals, leaves, circles, shapes, dots, etc HENNA Part-1)
  7. After you get a grip of holding the cone start applying flowers on your hands and your family members hands.
  8. Try creating your own designs.
  9. Now you can start applying big designs to the hands of others.
  10. Try taking feddbacks.
  11. Don’t get offended when someone tells draw backs of your designs.
  12. Talk nicely to the client.
  13. Carry your own tissue papers while visiting clients.
  14. Ask client for their choice of designs.
  15. carry handy designs with you.
  16. Capture designs you applied to show to another client.
  17. Make sure your client is comfortable while applying henna.
  18. Take care of client dress while applying henna so that you apply henna by mistake on their dress.
  19. ask them to sit relaxed.