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How to lose weight in the winter season?

Tried many things lose weight?

You might have already tried so many things to lose weight, but disappointed with results. It is not necessary that the thing which was effective on others would be good on you too. Everyone has different body nature. Few people have the capacity of losing weight just with diet where in some people with just exercise and some people won’t get results even after doing both the things.

Changes in climate affect body

Changes in the climate affect the air surrounding us. we breathe the air it affects our body response, Warmer temperatures and shifting weather patterns can worsen air quality, which can lead to sickness and other respiratory and cardiovascular health effects. Usually, people face health issues when climate changes like fever, cold, cough, some people find it really very difficult to make them comfortable to the climate in switching climates.

Our body nature of behaviour changes from season to season, it is not the same in all climatic seasons. as the weather changes even our body response changes according to surrounding climatic condition.

There are many products in the market claiming to give you 100 per cent result in losing weight but as we know everyone’s body nature is different some may really get a good result but some people also get side effects which worsen life even more difficult. therefore we suggest not to go for any products about which you don’t have complete knowledge.

How to lose weight in the winter season?

We have come up with a home remedy to lose weight in the winter season. No side effects. You just need to follow few steps.


1. Garlic.
2. Ginger.
3. Lemon.
4. Water.


boil a glass of water, chop ginger and garlic in small pieces you can also smash them, add them in water, boil a little bit, add lemon juice. Strain the water, with the help of a strainer. And drink daily morning l, it helps in boosting your metabolism, as a result, you start losing weight.