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Applying ice cube on your face constricts the blood vessels, which initially balance the blood flow to the skin as a result body starts circulating more blood to face consequently face gets radiant and lively. so we come up with a homemade recipe of Ice cube facial for skin glow.

Especially in summer, when you see all that healthy glow melting away with the sweat, and no beauty hack seems to work out. But do you know that you’ve got the ultimate solution for all your beauty problems right in your freezer? Whether you are trying to fight a pimple or make your makeup stick to your skin for longer on a hot summer day, an ice cube is an ultimate answer to all your worries! No matter what your skin condition, an ice cube on the face can work like magic. Let’s check out how.

Is rubbing an ice cube on the face Good?

How to prepare Ice cube facial?

preparing it is very simple and easy, only with fe ingredients in your home prepare a healthy and highly beneficial for glowing skin ice cube facial.


  1. cucumber
  2. Lemon
  3. Honey
  4. water

Procedure for preparing ice cube facial for glowing skin.

  1. make a puree of one whole cucumber with the help of a grinder.
  2. add 1/2 lemon juice.
  3. 1 tablespoon of honey
  4. mix it well
  5. pours the mixture in ice trey.
  6. freeze it and rub it in a circular on the face for 5 minutes.