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Instead of spending your hard-earned money on buying products you can just Prepare Aloe vera gel, plant an aloe vera in a pot and extract the gel from its leaves whenever you want. because it will save you money, but also gives you natural gel without any preservatives.

Aloe vera has many benefits because it is completely filled with medicinal properties, Therefore it is widely used in beauty products, hair products, as well as in medicines etc. most of the time we use aloe vera gel in home remedies to get solution for many problems of hair, face etc.


  1. Antioxidant and antibacterial properties.
  2. Accelerates the healing of burns.
  3. Reduces dental plaque.
  4. Help treat canker sores.
  5. Reduces constipation.
  6. May improve skin and prevent wrinkles.
  7. Lowers blood sugar levels.

it’s better you plant aloe vera in a pot in your home, maintenance is very easy, just plant it once and daily water it. no other care has to be taken.

Procedure to prepare gel:

cut an aloe vera leaf from the plant.


Slit and take out the gel with the help of a spoon


you mix it in a grinder and add one even 400 capsule content in it.

I would suggest not to preserve it for long, whenever you want you can Prepare Aloe vera gel

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