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How to create login screen template in react native

In this chapter, you will learn how to create a login screen template in react native. In the previous chapters we have created the components, now its time to deep dive into the react-native. Now let us create it with source code.

Application overview:
In the login screen template, we will create the following screens


What is the resource required to run the application:

React native
React redux

I am hosting the source code in the GitHub so don’t worry about the source. Now follow the below steps.

Step 1:
Clone the URL Download source code

Step 2:
Checkout to the branch login-module

Step 3:
Run the command “npm i” in the terminal or visual code

Step 4:
Now start the app by running the command “npm start”

Step 5:
Run the android and ios simulators

Now you should see the below screen

Login screen:

react native login screen template

Sign-up screen:


react native sign up screen

Dashboard screen:

react native dashboard screen


Reset password screen:

react native reset password screen