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How to get a dream job

Searching a job these days is not that difficult but getting a dream job is. therefore, we have brought you How to get dream job tips.

you need to understand how, when, what is good for you and what you are good at you.

Follow these steps

  1. Update Your Resume
  2. Write a Branding Statement that enhances your skills
  3. Learn new skills
  4. Do some work on yourself
  5. Make Sure Employers Can Find You
  6. upload updated resume on all job portals
  7. Update profile picture in job portals (upload a proper picture)
  8. Little activeness on social media like twitter and linked will help you, follow HR managers of topmost companies
  9. Increase Linkedin network be in touch with the people on Linkedin
  10. Own a business card (polite and neat)
  11. Keep in touch with professional references
  12. Research on Employers
  13. Make sure your resume is reachable to target Employers
  14. Contact friends circle if you looking job in companies where they are an employee
  15. Attend job fairs
  16. Avoid job scams, be very careful of fraud companies
  17. Get yourself well organised
  18. Prepare informative line on the cover letter of resume
  19. Arrange a dress before going interview (dress code for men/ dress code for female)
  20. Practice for interviews with your friends
  21. Prepare yourself with most frequently asked question interview before a day of the interview.
  22. Follow up with your HR
  23. Answer phone calls (talk respectfully)
  24. Reply to all emails
  25. Accept/decline the offer