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In this chapter, you will learn how to install npm and node js in mac system and windows system

How to install npm and node js

Steps to how to install npm and node js for mac.

  1. You will get the node from the official website of Node https://nodejs.org/en/
  2. On the home page of the node.js, you will find a download section for our operating system.
  3. There will two options available one is
    LTS version which means Long term support and it is highly recommended for most users.
    The current version with the latest features.
  4. We recommend you to go for the current version with the latest features.
  5. Click on the current version, a file will be downloaded.
  6. Run the file.
  7. Continue a couple of times.
  8. Agree to terms and conditions.
  9. Choose where you want to install.
  10. Authenticate yourself by giving a password.
  11. Within a few seconds, the node installer is ready.
  12. Now test that by running a command in a terminal that is node -v
  13. You will get the version of node.js that you have installed on your machine.
  14. If you are not getting the version of the installed node it means the node is not installed properly on your machine or you have miss-typed spelling and you will get value as command not found.

Once you are done with the installation of the node.js, make sure you have a text editor on the machine to write node scripts.

Steps for Installing Visual studio on mac.

  1. Official website https://code.visualstudio.com/
  2. It is free, open-source and available for all operating systems.
  3. The fantastic ecosystem of extensions

You can also go other text editors like sublime, atom, webstorm.